sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

Thinking Out Loud// Ed Sheeran

The Ed Sheeran's songs are beautiful and I think this one is one of the best he made and the video it's awesome...Enjoy it!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015


This video is to all the people who don´t feel perfect...but we all perfect in our way...

The song was sung by Chris Colfer and Darren Criss in the serie Glee 

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

The Phantom Of The Opera Glossary

Pull yourself together: Mantener la calma
Silly goose: Indfantil
Back Crossly: Enfadado
Frantically: Frenéticamente
Plumb. Regordeta
Superb: Soberbio
Brely: Apenas
Hard-to-please: Exigebte
Bond. Enlace
Cellar: Bodega
Fade: Esfumarse
Faint: Desmayarse
Foyer: Vestíbulo
Joy: Alegría
Awful: Horrible
Cloak: Manto
Buried: Enterrado
Grave: Tumba
I won´t hear of it!: No quiero saber nada
Ugliness: Fealdad
Warned: Advertir
Heart Sink: Partir el corazón
I shall not betray uou: Nunca te traicionaré
Grip: Agarrar
Churhyard: Cementerio
Gravestones: Lápidas
Glid: Flotar
Lost the balance: Perder el equilibrio
As if: Surgió
Reach: Alcanzar
Sickened: Nausias
Frightened him/her to death: Susto de muerte
Flickered: Prpadear
To getto the bottom of this: Llegar al fondo del asunto
It was nothing but rubbish: Sin sentido
Meet the terms: Hacer caso
Curse: Maldecir
Pound his fist: Dar con el puño
Shiver: Escalofrío
Stagehands: Tramoyistas
Canvas: Lienzos
Smashed: Aplastados
Inches: Es una medida como los cm
Fly into a panic: Entrar en pánico
Struggle: Lucha
Snatched: Secuestrado
Longing: Desear
Reward: Agotado
Call out: Llmar
Beg: Suplicar
Uncover the truth: Descubrir la verdad
Miracle: Milagro
Defeated: Derrotado
Summon the courage: Armarse de valor
To flee: Abandonar
Make up your mind: Cambiar de opinión
Burst with pride: Mucho orgullo
Sanity: Cordura
Demand: Exigir
To be in sb debt: Estar en deuda
To cling: Abrazados
To compose oneself: Tranquilizarse
I can't go back on it now: No puedo eharme para atrás
Grleaming: Brllante
Slip Off: Resbalarse
To weep: Llorar
Blazing Eyes: Ojos clavados
Beast: Bestia
Clatter: Estrépito
Relit: Volver a encender
To vanish: Desaparecer
To collapse: Dejar caer
I can't take anymore: No puedo más
To regain the control: Tomar el control otra vez
To gather: Reunir
To frown: Fruncir el ceño
Sb right mind: Cabales
Pitiful. Pobrecto
To trip: Caerse
To low: Bajar
Nudge. Patada
To creep: Moverse
Terror-Stricken. Aterrorizados
To flatt themselves against the wall: Pegarse a la pared
Dreadful end: Final horrible
To scampered. Correr despavoridos
Matter-of-factly: Tranquilidad
To shak with fright: Muertos de miedo
Courage: Corajeç
Torture Cambers: Cámara de torturas
Onlookers: Audiencia
Freak: Monster
Amongst: Entre
Barn: Granero
To stare: Esconder
To turn the ears away. No escuchar nada
To scorn: Desecho
To piti him: Apiadarse
Wickedness: Maldad
Without a trace: Sin dejar huella
Foundations: Cimientos
To roast: Asado
Lamb: Codero
Fantically: Deseseradamente
To catch sb eye: Captar la atención de alguien
Neither...nor: Ni...ni
Barrels: Barriles
Gunpowder: Polvora
Lives are at stake: Vidas en juego
Handle. POMOS
Grasshopper: Saltamontes
Ring: Resonar
Set Off: Activar
Self- pity: Autocompasión
To made your choice. Decidirse
To matter any more: Dar igual
There are not reply: No hay vuelta atrás