Constitutional Monarchy: denoting, characteristic of, or relating to a constitution
The Crown: an ornamental headdress denoting sovereignty, usually made of gold embedded with precious stones.
Arbitrator: to settle or decide (a dispute); achieve a settlement between parties
Decentralised Government: o reorganize (a government, industry, etc) into smaller more autonomous units
Motion of no confidence: the process of continual change in the physical position of an object; movement
Ministers: a person appointed to head a government department
Municipality: a city, town, or district enjoying some degree of local self-government
Town Council: a densely populated urban area, typically smaller than a city and larger than a village, having some local powers of government and a fixed boundary.
Mayor: the chairman and civic head of a municipal corporation in many countries
Councilors: a member of a council
Province: a territory governed as a unit of a country or empire
Self-government: the government of a country, nation, etc, by its own people
Statute of Autonomy: an enactment of a legislative body expressed in a formal document
Subsidiarity: (in political systems) the principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level
Autonomous Community: (of a community, country, etc) possessing a large degree of self-government
Exclusive authority: excluding all else; rejecting other considerations, possibilities, events, etc
Share authority: a part or portion of something owned, allotted to, or contributed by a person or group
Post-industrial society: I don't know
Life expectancy: the statistically determined average number of years of life remaining after a specified age for a given group of individuals
Illiteracy: uneducated, ignorant, or uncultured
Extended family: a social unit that contains the nuclear family together with blood relatives, often spanning
three or more generations
Nuclear family: a primary social unit consisting of parents and their offspring
Single parent family: existing alone; solitary
Same sex marriages: being the very one
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