martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


Hiiiii! Today I'm going to speak about a beutiful topic to me which is: Lucía Villoria Barbero. 

She was, is and is going to be a the greatest person in this world, in my world because she helps me if a need a thing even if this is a stupid thing. I think she is a good person because she wants to make the others feel good. She worries a lot and more if the person who is bad is important to her. 

A good example is when I felt weird a day because the exams and more problems that I had in my head, she was the first to ask me about my problems. 

I think Lucía is a good girl that probably is always thinking about other people  before her, I mind she is thinking about other people' s problem and I think she has to think more about her. I love her so so much and she is like my sister, I wait  in future we will be like now, or even more friends than now and I think this is imposible. 

My favourite wish came true this summer and it was beside her. We could see our idols in Madrid and I think it was an incredible experiences. With her all is better and I think we are going to live a lot of and better experiences. 

I can't be bored beside her, we are always laughing and we are a very good friends. I love her. 


martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


Well I'm going to upload vocabulary related to music! The music I always listen is English music because it's my favourite. Just because I love it and my favourite band is british ans irish one. It's name is One Direction...Many people think they are bad at singers but to me they are the best ones. Also I like artist like: Ed Sheeran, 5SOS, The Vamps, Bruno Mars, Capital Cities...

To apperel: Vestir
Simmer Down: Camarse
Damn: Maldito
Give Up: Renunciar
Deadbeat: Perezoso
To Rip: Rasgar
To Cure: Curar
Nightmare: Pesadilla
Shadow: Sombra
Morgue: Depósito de cadáveres
Background: Fondo
To Creep: Arrastrar
Treason: Traición
Lamppost: Poste de luz
Settle Down: Establecerse
Sweep Off: Barrer fuera
Fades: Desvanecerse
Evergreen: De hoja perenne
To Reckon: Contar
To shak: Sacudir
Stutler: Tartamudeo
To Load: Cargar
Share: Cueota
To burden: Cargar
Beneath: Abajo
Redialing: Rellamada
How to mess it up?: ¿Cómo estropearlo?
Toughen Up: Endurecer
Whisper: Susurro
Tight: Apretado
Hillside: Ladera
Driveway: Aparcamiento de coche (en una casa, fuera en la carretera)
Whether: Si
Chaplain: Capellán (cura)
To Beg: Mendigar
Doorstep: Peldaño
Gentlemant: Caballero
To Heal: Curar
To Mend: Reparar
Marmalade: Mermelade
Shiver: Escalofrío
Warning: Aviso
Lump: Terrones/ Trozos
Sake: Bien
For goodness sake!: ¡Por el amor de Dios!
Sheltered: Proteger
Sight: Vista
Braces: Tirantes/ Abrazadera
To Frame: Encuadrar
Wreck: Naufrago
To Stuck: Pegarse/Clavarse
Hostage: Rehén
To Get Away: Escapar
To Deny: Negar
To Tie Down:  Sujetar
Reckless: Precipitado
To Show Off: Fanfarronear
Regrets: Remordimientos
Stain: Mancha
Trace: Rastro/ Seguir el rastro...
Fingerprint: Huella
To Wash Away: Quitar
Heat: Calentamiento/ Calefacción
Defenceless: Indefenso
Restless: Inquieto
Devour: Devorar
To Lay Down: Deponer
Split: Ruptura

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014


Well, first of all: hi.
Next week we are going to have our Christmas holidays. I'm very excited because it's the better season of the year because the people is always happy and the children are getting nevous because Santa Claus.
I think in this holiday season the adults are like children because it's a magic time where all are happy. Basically to me Christmas is the time where you can be with alll thhe family in all year because inthe rest of the year the people are in their homes and in Christmas all the families are together making gift to everybody.
My favourite day is Christmas because every year I go to my grandmother's house to speend the  day with all my family. 
Christmas is the season where the house are decorated with the christamas tree and starts and the Belen. All the house is beautiful and this is magical because I think all need Christmas to be a kid once again as much as you are an old man or an adult you are a kid even if you open a present and your eyes are opening more and more because you couldn´t wait that. I think it's the best. And I'm wating for this because it's thee best.
Happy Christmas to everybody!!!♥♥♥♥

Glossary 2 and 3

Floods: Inundaciones
Strike: Golpe (huelga)
Injure: Lastimar
Landslides: Avalancha de tierra 
Mud: Barro 
Ash: Cenizas
Droughts. Sequía
Oil Spill: Derrame de petr´´oleo (sobretodo en barcos)
Shelter: Refugio
Concrete: Cemento
They burned down to a crisp: Desintegrar
Blend pictures together: Poner juntos
Sway: Cimbrar
Bruices: Moretones
Smoke + Fog: Smog (puré de gisantes) Niebla muy espesa en la que no se pude ver nada y hay que tener mucho cuidado por ejemplo en la carrretera.
Drowns: Ahogarse
Homeless: Sin hogar
Aid: Ayuda
Flames: Llames
Broke out: Empezar a...
Deal with: Resolver un problema
Burglar robber: Ladrón
Kidnapper: Secuestrador
Break Into: Entrar en una casa ajena
Murder: Asesino
Suspect: Sospechosos
Hijack: Secuestrador de aviones
Surrendered: Rodeado
Mugged: Asaltado
Witness: Testigo
Breaks the law: Incumpliendo la ley.
Gang: Pandilla
Fingerprint: Huellas
Drugdealers: Trraficantes de drogas

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Glossary 1

Olive Skin: Spair
Pedestria Crossing: Zebra ( in the street there are stripes where people cross the from one street to another)
Pale: Very white
Sun Tanned: The sun at the skin
Sniffing: When a person take drugs or some toxic substance by the nose
When in Rome do, as the Romans do: It means the people make things like other people did before them.
Shall I give you a lift?: When a person tell other to lead someone to a place because he or she is by walk and the other is with a means of transpor.
Living it up: Enjoy your time
Roots: The trees have them. It the way they can "eat and drink"
Draught: When the plants are dry because there isn't rain
Highway: It is mobile home when you can go wherever you want with your house.
Hood: Short for neighborhoods
Dude: "Colega"
What's Up?: What's going on?
That's hecka cool!!: "That's vey cool!"
You, let's bail!: Means you leave
That burrito is so bomb!: Means very good like the burrito is delicious.
Bro, why you putting me on blast?: To put someone "on blast" is to call themout in front other people.
Why did you call me out Jessica?
You are rocking those shoes.
That people is vey cool: She/He is fantastic.
Bustling: Full os people
VAT: IVA (Taxes)
Save and sound: " Sanos y salvos"
No longer: Anymore
Deafining: "Ensordecedor"


I would like to go to New York because it's a good city and I think I can lear a lot about culture and everything there are there.
I like the skycrapers and I think it's the symbol of New York because this city ids known because of that. I would also travel there, because the high schools are quite big and there are classes to all the subjects even subjects are not as interesting or necessary as here.
New York is a beutiful city with the yellow cabs and the traffic lights are so cute I don't know, probably New York is another simple city but for me is more than this. It's the fact to travelling to America and knowing all the tags of this amazing city.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


Hiii, well we are in a new course and we are going to have many projects and many things to do. This is our last course of secundary and we are so excited because of that. I think this year is going to be a good one. Here we are going to write the projects or little exercices about some topics like the last year. Since we started we have worked emotions and they are so funny, we will try to do our best this course and pass the year with good mark. 
The year is going to be great, so I'll try to enjoy a lot at the English lessons and in the rest of the lessons because they are so funny and fantastic for our future, even when they are a little boring.
BFN :) See you soon.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Social Sciences (Glossary 9 and 10)

Freightcommercial transport that is slower and cheaper than express

Capital flowsthe seat of government of a country or other political unit
Exportssold to a foreign country or countries
Imports: to bring in from an outside source
Balance of tradethe difference in value between total exports and total imports of goods
Balance of paymentsthe difference over a given time between total payments to foreign nations, arising from imports of goods and services and transfers abroad of capital, interest, grants, etc, and total receipts from foreign nations, arising from exports of goods and services
Retailthe sale of goods individually or in small quantities to consumers
Wholesale: the business of selling goods to retailers in larger quantities than they are sold to final consumers but in smaller quantities than they are purchased from manufacturers
Trade bloc: the act or an instance of buying and selling goods and services either on the domestic 
Transport networkto carry or cause to go from one place to another, esp over some distance
Market: an event or occasion, usually held at regular intervals, at which people meet for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise
Infrastructurethe basic structure of an organization, system, etc
Tradethe act or an instance of buying and selling goods and services either on the domestic 
Barteringto trade (goods, services, etc) in exchange for other goods, services, etc, rather than for money
Tourismtourist travel and the services connected with it, esp when regarded as an industry
Information societyknowledge acquired through experience or study.
Cereals: the grain produced by such a plant
Mortgagean agreement under which a person borrows money to buy property, esp a house, and the lender may take possession of the property if the borrower fails to repay the money
Speculationinvestment involving high risk but also the possibility of high profits
Cropthe produce of cultivated plants, esp cereals, vegetables, and fruit
Agricultural landscapethe science or occupation of cultivating land and rearing crops and livestock; farming; husbandry.
Cultural heritageof or relating to artistic or social pursuits or events considered to be valuable or enlightened
Domestic tourismof, produced in, or involving one's own country or a specific country
Large-scale tourism: constructed or drawn to a big scale
Tour operatorsan extended journey, usually taken for pleasure, visiting places of interest along the route
High-speed rail: AVE
Recession: a temporary depression in economic activity or prosperity

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Glossary 8 (Social Sciences))

Mechanization: the use of machinery in thee production process.
Mining: The process of extracting minerals from thee ground.
Mineral: A naturally occurring solid chemical substance such as bauxite.Most mineral need to be transformmed to enable them to be used for manufacturing products.
Industry: organized economic activity concerned with manufacture, extraction and processing of raw materials, or construction.
Irrigated farming: Farming in wwhich the water from gruondwater, reservoirs or riverss is brought to fields.
Energyintensity or vitality of action or expression; forcefulness
Biomass: the total number of living organisms in a given area, expressed in terms of living or dry weight per unit area
Management: The people that run a company and ensure that goods and the services of high enough guality are produced and ssold at competitive prices.
Workforce: The employees required to produce goods annd services.
Wind turbine: A device that converts kinetic energy from the wind  into mechanical energy to drivee machiney or generate electricity.
Solar panelof or relating to the sun
Traditional energyof, relating to, or being a tradition.
Alternative energy: a form of energy derived from a natural source, such as the sun, wind, tides, or waves
Dam: a barrier of concrete, earth, etc, built across a river to create a body of water for a hydroelectric power station, domestic water supply, etc
Guildan organization, club, or fellowship.
Craftsperson: a person who makes products using basic tools and manual labour. Craftsspeoople were very common before the Induustrial Revolution

sábado, 26 de abril de 2014


The Maccano

This invention was invented by Frank Hornby in the year 1898. The first name was " Mechanist Made Easy" but today it has another name. This instrument is used to contruction like the wheels, plates, metal strips. This inevention was created in Union Kingdom.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Modern Times

This is the presentation  about the Modern Times about a film directed by Charles Chaplin

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014


2nite: Tonight
Luv.U: Love You
CU: See You
Don't b l8: Don't be late
CUL8R: See You Later
RUOK?: Are You Ok?
PLZ: Please
W: With
GR8: Great
THX 4: Thank you
Yo <3 U: I love you
M8: Mate
LOL: Laughing Out Loud 
4ever: Forever
XCNT. Excelent
HAND: Have A Nice Day
U: You
PS: Parents
R: Are
B: Be
&: And


To ask for the moon: To make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain.
Hold the fort: You make care of a place when the person normally in charge is away
Under the table: Is a phrase used to described secretive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality
To horse around: Like goof off
When someone has chickened out fo something: they have failed to do something ot they haven't tried to do it because they were afraid.
When you say is a wise old owl you mean they are very experienced in life
A night owl is someone who stays up late into the night
When you say someone is in safe hands you mean they are being cared for someone who is confident and skilled
A safe pair of hands:is a similar expression it referes to somone who cabn be a good job avoiding mistakes
If someone tells you to hold your tongue it means they want you to stop talking because the don't like what you are saying
If a situation is black and white it means you have a clear opinion about you can easily see what you know what is right or wrong.
Money doesn't grow on trees: means you must not spend to much money as there is a limited amount of it.
Money is not object: means that you have a lot of money available to spend.
Let the cheaps fall where they may: means to allow things to happen no matter what the consequences are.
When you say something is as cheap as chips you mean it is very cheap.
If you are chasing your tail you are very busy a lot of things but not achieving very much.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Email to the English Family

Hello Simpson family!

We are so excited to receive you in our town. We can do a lot of things this week, so here there're some of them.
You land  in Spain on Monday and we are going to receive you at the airport. One thing that you must kno is that we'll have some posters with your names.
After that we will eat in an italian Restaurant that is located at the airport's social plant. Then all of us are gonna come to Villamayor, and you are going to see your house.
We think that if all of that happens after these 'welcome plans' it will be around 6 o'clock pm. If yoy wanted we would show you town and the main places.
On Tuesday in the morning, we are going to visit Salamanca and all of the important places like the University in which you will search the are going to understand it later on.
In the afternoon we are going to the Tormes, that is a shopping centre where you can buy clothes or whatever you want, and we could see a film.

On Wednesday we are going to visit our high school, you'll see how we work and you are going to stay in one class for one hour. After lunch we will go to the river to ride the bikes and in this way you are going to see the nature that is around our town.
On Thursday is here and a bus is waiting for us! This is a speacial day, we are gonna go to Valladolid. Here you can visit Janeiro's Shopping centre. This is one of the biggest places for shopping that we've ever seen. You will go to shops like H&M or the Primark (You have it in London too)
On Friday you are gonna have a free day. We will do whatever you want, if you prefer stay at home to sleep, we'll do it. If you want to walk around Salamanca with us, we can do it. It means that on Friday you are leader.
 On Saturday we are going with you to the airport and you take the plane at 4pm.


Power Point

This power point is about my ideal city about future because I life think in future but it's better live the present because there is only a life...

The Comic


Glossary 7 (Social Sciences)

Argumentoun plan secreto para lograr algún propósito, especialmente uno que es ilegal o clandestina

Suelo la capa superior de la superficie terrestre de la Tierra que se compone de partículas desintegradas roca, humus, agua y aire
La rotación de cultivos el sistema de cultivo de una secuencia de diferentes cultivos en el mismo terreno con el fin de mantener o aumentar su fertilidad

Agricultura intensiva:  implica el uso máximo de la tierra, el tiempo o algún otro recurso
Agricultura extensiva:  tener una gran medida, el área, el alcance, grado, etc; vasta
Agricultura de secano : Cuando los cultivos crecen con waterain.
La agricultura de regadío:  la oferta o (tierra) con agua por medio de canales artificiales, zanjas, etc, especialmente para promover el crecimiento de los cultivos de alimentos 
El policultivo : En una parcela que hay más de un tipo de cultivo.
Monocultivo:  el cultivo continuo de un tipo de cultivo
Invernaderos un edificio con paredes y techo transparente, generalmente de vidrio, para el cultivo y exhibición de plantas en condiciones controladas

La agricultura de subsistencia:  el medio por el cual se mantiene la vida
La agricultura migratoriapara mover o hacer que desplazarse de un lugar o de posición a otra
Agropecuarias tepetate, caballos, aves y animales similares que son mantenidas para uso doméstico, pero no como animales de compañía, especialmente en una granja o rancho
Ganadería ocupaun edificio utilizado como un hogar, viviendo
Ganado mamíferos bóvidos de la tribu  Bovini  (bovinos), esp las del género  Bos
Forrajealimentación a granel para el ganado, heno esp, paja, etc
Parte trasera:  la parte posterior o trasera
Zonas de pescala ocupación de la captura de peces
Acuicultura el cultivo de agua dulce y marinos, recursos tanto vegetales como animales, para el consumo o uso humano.

Las flotasuna serie de buques de guerra organizada como una unidad táctica
Banco de peces : Es un grupo de peces todos juntos.

Glossary 6 (Social Sciences)

Economic activityof or relating to an economy, economics, or finance
Economic agent capable of being produced, operated, etc, for profit; profitable

Goodspossessions and personal property
Serviceswork performed for remuneration
Productionthe act of producing; anything that is produced; product
Distributionthe act of distributing or the state or manner of being distributed
Marketingan event or occasion, usually held at regular intervals, at which people meet for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise
Consumptionthe act of consuming or the state of being consumed, esp by eating, burning, etc
Supplythe act of providing or something that is provided
Demandto request peremptorily or urgently
Inflation:a progressive increase in the general level of prices brought about by an expansion in demand or the money supply
Profitexcess of revenues over outlays and expenses in a business enterprise over a given period of time, usually a year
Tax:a compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government to raise revenue, levied on the income or property of persons or organizations, on the production costs or sales prices of goods and services, etc
Raw materialmaterial on which a particular manufacturing process is carried out
Employera person, business, firm, etc, that employs workers
Employeea person who is hired to work for another or for a business, firm, etc, in return for payment
Self-employedearning one's living in one's own business or through freelance work, rather than as the employee of another
Active populationin a state of action; moving, working, or doing something
Inactive populationidle or inert; not active
Disabledlacking one or more physical powers, such as the ability to walk or to coordinate one's movements, as from the effects of a disease or accident, or through mental impairment
Retired: to give up or to cause (a person) to give up his work, a post, etc, esp on reaching pensionable age
Full-time contracts: for the entire time appropriate to an activity 
Part-time contractsfor less than the entire time appropriate to an activity 

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Glossary 5 (Social Sciences)

National sovereignty: of, involving, or relating to a nation as a whole
Constitutional Monarchydenoting, characteristic of, or relating to a constitution
The Crown: an ornamental headdress denoting sovereignty, usually made of gold embedded with precious stones.
Arbitratorto settle or decide (a dispute); achieve a settlement between parties
Decentralised Governmento reorganize (a government, industry, etc) into smaller more autonomous units
Motion of no confidencethe process of continual change in the physical position of an object; movement
Ministersa person appointed to head a government department
Municipalitya city, town, or district enjoying some degree of local self-government
Town Councila densely populated urban area, typically smaller than a city and larger than a village, having some local powers of government and a fixed boundary.
Mayorthe chairman and civic head of a municipal corporation in many countries
Councilorsa member of a council
Provincea territory governed as a unit of a country or empire
Self-government: the government of a country, nation, etc, by its own people
Statute of Autonomyan enactment of a legislative body expressed in a formal document
Subsidiarity(in political systems) the principle of devolving decisions to the lowest practical level
Autonomous Community(of a community, country, etc) possessing a large degree of self-government
Exclusive authorityexcluding all else; rejecting other considerations, possibilities, events, etc
Share authoritya part or portion of something owned, allotted to, or contributed by a person or group
Post-industrial society: I don't know 
Life expectancythe statistically determined average number of years of life remaining after a specified age for a given group of individuals
Illiteracyuneducated, ignorant, or uncultured
Extended family: a social unit that contains the nuclear family together with blood relatives, often spanning 
three or more generations
Nuclear familya primary social unit consisting of parents and their offspring
Single parent family: existing alone; solitary
Same sex marriages: being the very one

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Glossary 4 (Social Science)

Free movement: Having a personal rights or liberty; not enslaved or confined
Common market: European Economic Community
Monetary union: Of or relating to money or currency
Cohesion: The act or state of cohering
Treaty: A formal agreement or contract between two or more states, such as an alliance or trade arrangement
Heterogeneity: Composed of unrelated of differing parts of elements 
Homogeneus: Made up of the same king of people or things
Outsourcing: To subcontract to another company 
Fagmentation: The act of fragmenting or the state of beging fragmented 
Development: The act of process of growing, progressing or developing 
Budget: Economical, inexpensive 
Citizenship: The condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties

Dutya task or action that a person is bound to perform for moral or legal reasons
Fundsmoney that is readily available

Investment: the act of investing money
Subsidya financial aid supplied by a government, as to industry, for reasons of public welfare, the balance of payments, etc.
Skeptical: not convinced that something is true; doubtful.
Surplus: a quantity or amount in excess of what is required.
Seafaring: travelling by sea.
Outskirts:  outlying or bordering areas, districts, etc, as of a city.
Profitable: affording gain, benefit, or profit.
Highway-motorway: I don't know what it is.
Hierarchya system of persons or things arranged in a graded order.
GDPgross domestic product.
CAP:Agricultural Policy: (in the EU) the system for supporting farm incomes by maintaining agricultural prices at agreed levels.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


Well, in my opinion, to have a Contitution is very important because there are a lot of important things for example the things that the people do in the country or the things we can´t do in it. Also there, explain how in make it the government and all about the country. To me it is very important, inasmuch as there thare are very interesting things and it is very sophisticated to know some thing about it.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014