martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


Hiiiii! Today I'm going to speak about a beutiful topic to me which is: Lucía Villoria Barbero. 

She was, is and is going to be a the greatest person in this world, in my world because she helps me if a need a thing even if this is a stupid thing. I think she is a good person because she wants to make the others feel good. She worries a lot and more if the person who is bad is important to her. 

A good example is when I felt weird a day because the exams and more problems that I had in my head, she was the first to ask me about my problems. 

I think Lucía is a good girl that probably is always thinking about other people  before her, I mind she is thinking about other people' s problem and I think she has to think more about her. I love her so so much and she is like my sister, I wait  in future we will be like now, or even more friends than now and I think this is imposible. 

My favourite wish came true this summer and it was beside her. We could see our idols in Madrid and I think it was an incredible experiences. With her all is better and I think we are going to live a lot of and better experiences. 

I can't be bored beside her, we are always laughing and we are a very good friends. I love her. 


martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


Well I'm going to upload vocabulary related to music! The music I always listen is English music because it's my favourite. Just because I love it and my favourite band is british ans irish one. It's name is One Direction...Many people think they are bad at singers but to me they are the best ones. Also I like artist like: Ed Sheeran, 5SOS, The Vamps, Bruno Mars, Capital Cities...

To apperel: Vestir
Simmer Down: Camarse
Damn: Maldito
Give Up: Renunciar
Deadbeat: Perezoso
To Rip: Rasgar
To Cure: Curar
Nightmare: Pesadilla
Shadow: Sombra
Morgue: Depósito de cadáveres
Background: Fondo
To Creep: Arrastrar
Treason: Traición
Lamppost: Poste de luz
Settle Down: Establecerse
Sweep Off: Barrer fuera
Fades: Desvanecerse
Evergreen: De hoja perenne
To Reckon: Contar
To shak: Sacudir
Stutler: Tartamudeo
To Load: Cargar
Share: Cueota
To burden: Cargar
Beneath: Abajo
Redialing: Rellamada
How to mess it up?: ¿Cómo estropearlo?
Toughen Up: Endurecer
Whisper: Susurro
Tight: Apretado
Hillside: Ladera
Driveway: Aparcamiento de coche (en una casa, fuera en la carretera)
Whether: Si
Chaplain: Capellán (cura)
To Beg: Mendigar
Doorstep: Peldaño
Gentlemant: Caballero
To Heal: Curar
To Mend: Reparar
Marmalade: Mermelade
Shiver: Escalofrío
Warning: Aviso
Lump: Terrones/ Trozos
Sake: Bien
For goodness sake!: ¡Por el amor de Dios!
Sheltered: Proteger
Sight: Vista
Braces: Tirantes/ Abrazadera
To Frame: Encuadrar
Wreck: Naufrago
To Stuck: Pegarse/Clavarse
Hostage: Rehén
To Get Away: Escapar
To Deny: Negar
To Tie Down:  Sujetar
Reckless: Precipitado
To Show Off: Fanfarronear
Regrets: Remordimientos
Stain: Mancha
Trace: Rastro/ Seguir el rastro...
Fingerprint: Huella
To Wash Away: Quitar
Heat: Calentamiento/ Calefacción
Defenceless: Indefenso
Restless: Inquieto
Devour: Devorar
To Lay Down: Deponer
Split: Ruptura

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014


Well, first of all: hi.
Next week we are going to have our Christmas holidays. I'm very excited because it's the better season of the year because the people is always happy and the children are getting nevous because Santa Claus.
I think in this holiday season the adults are like children because it's a magic time where all are happy. Basically to me Christmas is the time where you can be with alll thhe family in all year because inthe rest of the year the people are in their homes and in Christmas all the families are together making gift to everybody.
My favourite day is Christmas because every year I go to my grandmother's house to speend the  day with all my family. 
Christmas is the season where the house are decorated with the christamas tree and starts and the Belen. All the house is beautiful and this is magical because I think all need Christmas to be a kid once again as much as you are an old man or an adult you are a kid even if you open a present and your eyes are opening more and more because you couldn´t wait that. I think it's the best. And I'm wating for this because it's thee best.
Happy Christmas to everybody!!!♥♥♥♥

Glossary 2 and 3

Floods: Inundaciones
Strike: Golpe (huelga)
Injure: Lastimar
Landslides: Avalancha de tierra 
Mud: Barro 
Ash: Cenizas
Droughts. Sequía
Oil Spill: Derrame de petr´´oleo (sobretodo en barcos)
Shelter: Refugio
Concrete: Cemento
They burned down to a crisp: Desintegrar
Blend pictures together: Poner juntos
Sway: Cimbrar
Bruices: Moretones
Smoke + Fog: Smog (puré de gisantes) Niebla muy espesa en la que no se pude ver nada y hay que tener mucho cuidado por ejemplo en la carrretera.
Drowns: Ahogarse
Homeless: Sin hogar
Aid: Ayuda
Flames: Llames
Broke out: Empezar a...
Deal with: Resolver un problema
Burglar robber: Ladrón
Kidnapper: Secuestrador
Break Into: Entrar en una casa ajena
Murder: Asesino
Suspect: Sospechosos
Hijack: Secuestrador de aviones
Surrendered: Rodeado
Mugged: Asaltado
Witness: Testigo
Breaks the law: Incumpliendo la ley.
Gang: Pandilla
Fingerprint: Huellas
Drugdealers: Trraficantes de drogas