State:The territory occupied by a such comunity
Sovereignty: Supreme and undestricted power; as a state
Constitution: The act of contituting or state of beging constituted
Democracy: Gorvenment by the people or their elected representives
Monarchy: A form of goverment in which supreme authority.
Dictatorship:The rank, office, or period of rule of a dictator
Globalisation: The process enabling financial and inverstement market
Regional: Limited a region
Cultural Diversity: Relating to artistic or social pursuits
Universal Suffrages:
Legislative Power: Having the power or funtion
Executive Power: The branch of the government responsible to carrying out laws
Judicial Power: Pople who break the laws go to the tribunal.
Supranational: Beyond the authority or jurisdiction of one national government
Mass Culture:
UN: United Nations
NGO: Non- Govermental Organisation
Civil Servant: A member of the civil service
Justice: The quality or fact of beging just
Liberty: The power of choosing, thinking and acting for oneself
Subsidiarity: The principle of devolving decisions
Culture: The total of the inherited ideas.
Multiculturalism: Designed for the cultures of several different races
Referendum: Vote on such measures
Elections: The selection vote a person of persons