domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Glossary 4

Lipstick: It is like a make-up but is for the lips
Sunglasses: This object is to protect the eyes to the sun
Piercings: This is a complement to decorate the body
Flip-Flop: A backward handspring
Make-Up: It is to look better and to be prittiest

Glossary 3

Lifeguards: Person who guard the people against the risk of drowing
Engineers: A person trained in any branch of the profession or ingeneering.
Hairdressers: Person who cut the hair.
Cleaners: A person who clean houses or is an assistant
Judges: A public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronunce a judgment upon them
Pilots: A person who is qualified to operate an aircraft.
Film Producer: A person who paid all the film and all te marketing
Nurses: A person who tends the sick, injured, or infirm
Cashiers: A person responsible for receiving payments for goods, services, etc...
Surgeons: A medical practioner who specilizes in surgery
Cooks: To prepare by the action of heat, as by boiling, baking, etc...
Company Directors:
Bus Drivers: Person who is driving a bus an he/she has a travel to do everyday
Childminders: Person who look after children.
Shop Assistants: Person who tend the people who need help to looking for something.

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Glossary (Geography)

State:The territory occupied by a such comunity
Sovereignty: Supreme and undestricted power; as a state
Constitution: The act of contituting or state of beging constituted
Democracy: Gorvenment by the people or their elected representives
Monarchy: A form of goverment in which supreme authority.
Dictatorship:The rank, office, or period of rule of a dictator
Globalisation: The process enabling financial and inverstement market
Regional: Limited a region
Cultural Diversity: Relating to artistic or social pursuits
Universal Suffrages:
Legislative Power: Having the power or funtion
Executive Power: The branch of the government responsible to carrying out laws
Judicial Power: Pople who break the laws go to the tribunal.
Supranational: Beyond the authority or jurisdiction of one national government
Mass Culture:
UN: United Nations
NGO: Non- Govermental Organisation                                             
Civil Servant: A member of the civil service
Justice: The quality or fact of beging just
Liberty: The power of choosing, thinking and acting for oneself
Subsidiarity: The principle of devolving decisions
Culture: The total of the inherited ideas.
Multiculturalism: Designed for the cultures of several different races
Referendum: Vote on such measures
Elections: The selection vote a person of persons

Glossary (Geography)

Temperate: Having a climate intermediate between tropical and polar climate; moderate or mild in a temperature.
Oasis: A fertile patch in a desert occurring when the water table approaches or reaches the ground surface
Precipitation: The deposition of these Earth's surfaces
Savannah: Opens glasslands, usually with scattered bushes or trees.
Taiga: The coniferuos forest extending across much North America.
Tundra: A vast treelees zone lying between ice cap and the timberline of Noth America
Jungle: An equatorial forest area with luxuriant vegetation, often almost impenetrable
Livestock: Cattle, horses, poultry, and similar animals kept for domestic use but not as pet.
Settlement: The act or state of setting or beging settled
Scrub: To rub (a surface) hard, with or as if with a brush, soap, and water, in order to clean it
Decidous Forest:
Evergreen Forest:
Riparian Forest:
Holm Oak Tree: This tree is foind in rivers
Logging: A section of the trunk or a  main branch of a tree
Glassland: It is a land of grass
Meadows: An area of glassland
Deforestation: It is when the people cut the trees